How to Make Stress Your Friend

  TED   |  Success Magazine  January 18, 2017 Stress is not the enemy. Health psychologist Kelly McGonigal says if you can change the way you think about it, it can even become your friend. In this TED Talk, McGonigal sheds a new light on stress and shares surprising research that could make what feels…

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3 Steps to Become a Super Affiliate

Want to instantly become more attractive? Easy. Just slap on a pair of sunglasses. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, studies show that people universally look better in sunglasses. But why is this? Why are we naturally drawn to people wearing shades? Well, for one reason… We’re intrigued by the element of…

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5 Reasons Storytelling Is A Must For Marketers

By Kim Garst You may have already heard the importance of storytelling in marketing. But it may all sound a bit “fluffy” to you, especially if you haven’t seen specific examples of storytelling in campaigns. I mean, what do stories have to do with marketing? Isn’t our goal to SELL, not to spin tales or…

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3 Psychological Triggers that Practically Force Your Prospects to Take Action

100 milliseconds. That’s how quickly your brain forms a first impression. In fact, according to a study at Princeton University, participants crystallized a lasting judgment about the attractiveness, competence, and aggressiveness of a complete stranger in just one-tenth of a second! For reference, it takes three-tenths of a second to blink your eyes. Now that’s…

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What To Do If Your Downline or New Recruits Are Lazy & Not Producing

I recently had a conversation with a top earner in network marketing, named Carol (not real name), whose business had “flatlined” and she was troubled by the fact that most of her downline team members seemed to be lazy, not producing, and not following through on what they said they’d do. She wanted to know…

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How to Keep The Fear Factor From Crushing You

By Kim Garst Fear is a universal human emotion. And while it doesn’t feel good, it does have a good purpose: to spur us into action when we sense impending danger. Unfortunately, fear can also make us freeze up. It can incapacitate us, making us want to give up. As an entrepreneur, fear can have…

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The 3 C’s of Communicating Online

Have you ever written a social media post or a blog that you thought would *kill* with responses? But instead it got crickets – nothing, zilch, nada! I know I have. As have most online entrepreneurs…especially the ones who fail. Without interest in your free content, You are not going to have interest in your…

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How to Guarantee Your Prospects Will Enthusiastically Say, “YES!” When You Invite Them to Take a Look at Your Business!

By Ferny Ceballos How would you like to guarantee your prospects enthusiastically say, “YES!” when you invite them to take a look at your business? Maybe that sounds like a tall order… But it’s absolutely possible, and I’m about to reveal exactly how to make it happen through my 3 “golden rules” of cold market…

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How to Recruit More – Without Being a ‘Slimy’ Salesperson!

By Julie Burke How do you get more people to look at your opportunity? Click the picture to watch the video below to discover the 4 ground rules for mastering the recruiting process I personally used to sponsor 270 frontline reps, and build a team of over 8300 distributors on social media, without a website or…

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3 Tips To Turn You From Technophobe to TechnoPRO

By Kate McShea The Shocking Diagnosis Picture this, you walk straight into the Doctor’s Office and you list your symptoms: Excessive fingernail biting… Upset stomach… Constant sweating… Frequent moments of paralysis… Lack of motivation to get work completed… And these symptoms occur while sitting at your computer trying to build your business… You’d likely get…

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