3 Proven Ways to Increase Your Confidence

Shared from Sonia Thompson Confidence has a hypnotic effect on people. The first time I recognized it was at a flamenco show in Barcelona a few years back. I was mesmerized by the performance of a beautiful full-figured middle-aged woman. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her as she danced. My friends and I eventually dubbed…

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5 Common Traits of Your Target Market

Shared from JT DeBolt No matter your industry, product, or service… ALL target markets share five common traits. And by target market, I’m referring to the super-specific group of consumers your product or service is aimed towards. It’s vitally important to understand these ideal prospects, because you simply cannot afford to market to everyone. In…

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How To Measure YOUR Success!

Are you successful? What defines success to you? Is it what people say about you, or what you think about yourself?  It seems that we are all in pursuit of what success, but what does it look like, feel like, and more importantly, when do you know you have it? Does it look like material…

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6 Seasoned Entrepreneurs Share Strategies on Perseverance

Shared from The Oracles, A brain trust of high-level entrepreneurs When starting out in business, it can be difficult to generate self-belief if you’ve never done it before. “Maybe this isn’t for me,” you think after the 10th hot lead says, “I’ll pass.” These seasoned entrepreneurs and members of The Oracles share their strategies to program your mind for…

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24 Celebrities That Endorse Network Marketing

Shared from Gordon Attard Home Business Coach | Trainer | Social Media Marketer Network Marketing is the 21st Century Business model that is on the rise. Here are 24 celebrities that you might follow who endorses the industry of Network Marketing. BILL GATES American Business Magnet & Philanthropist “If I would be given a chance to…

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8 Steps to Creating a Loyal Team

Shared from Abby Curnow-Chavez Teams are either successful—or they fail. And often, the team members can’t give specific reasons for either outcome. When teams fail, they often dissolve into cliques riddled with blame or confusion. You see it everywhere: The offensive line blames the quarterback for a late throw; the quarterback points to the wide…

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6 Surefire Ways to Make Your Message Irresistible

Shared from Vitaly Grinblat If you’re advertising on Facebook, you already know there are MILLIONS of advertisers out there. And guess what…all those advertisers are also competing for your prospects’ limited attention. Yep—unfortunately, you’re not the only one showing up in their News Feed. Far from it. I mean, just scroll through your Feed and…

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7 Proven & Simple Ways to Find Qualified Prospects and Build a Big Team

Shared from Brandy Shaver Tired of no-shows and excuses? Hey, I can relate! Not long ago I spent hours upon hours driving hundreds of miles to deliver one-on-one presentations, and going to home and hotel meetings. Worse still, I paid a ton in childcare, only to get stood up, or having to listen to yet…

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How to Attract Customers Even When You’re Brand New & Don’t Have Big Results

When You STOP Focusing on Results You Will Actually Get Results!!! Shared from J.T. DEBOLT You’re about to discover one of the BIGGEST mistakes most entrepreneurs make when it comes to attracting “big time” clients. More importantly, I’m going to sshare some specific pitfalls to avoid when it comes to avoiding this deadly mistake. Now,…

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5 Reasons Why People Don’t Invest In Training Themselves For Business…

Do you ever wonder WHY people have no problem going to college or technical school and racking up tons of debt in student loans but when it comes to investing in training to learn how to work for themselves they are full of excuses? Well wonder no more because I am sharing 5 Reasons with…

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