10 Life Skills for Success in Business

Many of us want to open up our own businesses but usually that’s where it ends. We wake up in the morning and go to our jobs, as the sun sets in the evening, we realize that once again we’ve placed our dreams on the back-burner. I believe that each of us has an inner entrepreneur that is bursting…
Six Proven Advertising Templates You Can “Swipe and Deploy” Starting Today

Creativity is overrated. This is especially true when it comes to advertising. Don’t take it from me, though. In the famous words of advertising legend David Ogilvy… “It is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create.” Harsh? Maybe. But he has a point: creativity alone doesn’t sell. Here’s…
6 Things You Must Quit Doing Now To Be More Successful

By Dr. Travis Bradberry Most of us grew up hearing the mantra “Don’t be a quitter,” and we’ve internalized it to the point where we feel guilty even if we don’t finish a book that’s boring us to death. Our parents weren’t entirely wrong in saying that persistence is necessary for success, but sometimes quitting is…
5 Steps to Build True Loyalty in Your Network Marketing Team

Can you guess the most scarce commodity in network marketing? Hint: it’s the “glue” that holds everything together. In fact, it’s something that applies to any business, but is especially important in network marketing. Any guesses? Ready for the answer? It’s loyalty! (I know, the title kinda gave the surprise away, ha ha.) Loyalty is—without exception—the single…
5 Tactics to “Hook” Your Prospects in 15 Seconds or Less!

Imagine you’re taking a journalism class. It’s day one. And no sooner than taking a seat, the teacher announces your first assignment… You are to write the lead for a story. In journalism, the lead (or lede) is the opening paragraph, where you not only summarize the big points of the story but, most importantly,…
How to Turbocharge Your Sales Through the Art & Science of Storytelling

There’s a boatload of dough to be made through the timeless art of spinnin’ a proverbial yarn. Don’t believe it? Hey, people still line up in droves to see stories on the silver screen. In fact, did you know that total box office revenue in 2016 was $11.3 billion, domestically? Likewise, 2.71 billion books were sold in 2016. So…
The Seven Rules of Effective Goal Setting (& the Six “Blocks” Keeping You from Success!)

How much progress have you made on your business this year? Specifically, by what percentile are you growing (or missing the mark)? Not sure how to answer? Well, are you measuring your progress against a predetermined standard, such as your own personal goals? If yes, that’s fantastic! If, on the other hand, this is a sore…
Are Online Recruiting Strategies & Affiliate Programs Compliant with My Network Marketing Company?

By Ferny Ceballos Are you worried that marketing yourself online will set off the “bells and whistles” in your company? Well, today I’m going to answer the question, once and for all. And hopefully we can finally put this pesky conversation to rest. Because as entrepreneurs, we need to behave like entrepreneurs. And the real sticking point…
The #1 Skill in Network Marketing for 2017 (Which Your Upline Probably Can’t Teach You)

By Ferny Ceballos What if you could create a residual income BEFORE you even built a network marketing organization? …and what if you could do it without prospecting! Crazy as that might sound, it’s possible—if you know the #1 network marketing skill that’s available today, that is. Unfortunately, your upline (probably) can’t teach you this skill. But…
A ’Caveman Simple Way’ to Run INSANELY Profitable “Ads” on Social Media WITHOUT Advertising

By Ferny Ceballos There’s a term in the advertising world used to refer to someone who’s learned to ignore ads on websites and social media to the point where their brain literally refuses to see, acknowledge or process information in banner ads. The term is “banner blindness.” It’s the one type of blindness we are…